PCT days 30 and 31, off the PCT and around Baden-Powell

Total 2 day off-PCT miles…. 25-30 miles. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s. Light winds. Elevation change… dropped 3,000 feet, then gained 1,000, then dropped 1,000 then gained 3,000 with other ups and downs. I’m combining the 2 days we were off PCT into 1 blog post as I didn’t have cell service for 3 days.

We decided to hike around Mt. Baden-Powell, taking what we hoped was the Manzanita Trail. The mountain is extremely snowy and multiple mountain helicopter rescues along with reports from others convinced us to go around. There are 30 trail switchbacks up that mountain, but after 5 snow switchbacks, the trail goes STRAIGHT UP the snow. One slip and it’s 2,000 feet down. No thanks.

Mt. Baden-Powell

We left our air BNB lodge, walking up the road and into town when a gal walked outside and offered us a ride!! She also did our laundry for us, so we didn’t want to take advantage of her generosity and politely turned her down for the ride.

Wonderful gal offering us a ride

We ended up hitching a ride up to where this group left the trail. Remember, I walked into town a different route. I also hiked a little a few days before, before Jenny arrived, making up the miles I was short.

We began hiking on the PCT for about 4 miles. There was an unmarked trail junction that COULD be the Manzanita Trail that we wanted. We weren’t totally sure and began to debate just walking the highway around when “Falls” said “Come on guys, were out here to have an adventure, so let’s adventure!!!” We had a weeks worth of food and there’s flowing water all over and the trail looks like it runs in the right direction, so what the heck, why not try it!

Off we go down the Manzanita Trail into the unknown

This trail began as a well groomed trail that descended down about 3,000 feet into the valley. We weren’t expecting that!

Crossing a creek
“Rainbow Sherbert” crossing a creek.
“Falls” using the log to cross the creek

We descended into the valley and found a campsite with picnic tables, pit toilets, and another running creek! The temperatures down in the valley were warmer this evening, in the 70s by the time we arrived right before sunrise and only dropped into the 50s.

Day 31:

We looked over the maps in the morning and saw that we needed to take the High Desert Trail to get back up to the PCT. This would be the hardest day on the PCT so far! This trail went straight up and was in awful shape!

Climbing up and out of the canyon

There were many spots where the trail was nearly gone and one wrong step meant sliding a hundred feet down loose rock! This was really scary.

A waterfall on the High Desert Trail
Taking a break from the climb
More flowers
Climbing up

The trail finally began to improve. It was straight up from here to the top of the saddle and back into the PCT! I had such an elated feeling making it to the top. I laid down in sheer exhaustion, put my hat over my head and briefly fell asleep listening to the breeze whip along the treetops, waiting for the entire group to summit this saddle!

The PCT again!!! What a welcome sight!

We hiked another 5 miles to Cooper Canyon campsite and talked about this day. It was decided that it was the hardest day on trail so far. We started hiking at 6:30, and rolled into camp at 5:30, 11 hours later!!!

On a side note, the knee brace is helping tremendously! These are the 2 best days on trail so far regarding my knee! Let’s hope my knee continues it’s recovery!

A tree or a cactus?
Looking out my tent at the stars not captured by my cell phone camera
Lots of water

2 Replies to “PCT days 30 and 31, off the PCT and around Baden-Powell”

  1. Good to hear all is getting back to normal and the knee is feeling better. Will look forward to your next blog.

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